Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Regression, cha cha cha!

The last week has been a nightmare... Dax has been waking up at night every two to three hours for at least 7 days. It was really bad in the beginning (he would wake up screaming, and nothing could calm him down - not even mommy!), and has gotten a little better - he only woke up twice last night and the night before...
A million things go through your mind when this happens...
Is he eating enough?
Is he sleeping enough during the day?
Did I eat something that's made him not well?
Is it teething?
Just a growth spurt?

He did grow two new teeth over the weekend, which I attribute this other regressive item to: he doesn't want any solid foods lately - taking us back to strictly breastfeeding for now... I tried to bring lunch back into the picture yesterday, and he just wasn't having it. He ate a few crunchy star things, though... (I know some people call those crap - and I'm sure there's nothing dietarily redeeming about them, but they get his fingers grabbing food and getting it to his mouth - so I really don't care)

But we're still waking up at night...
Now my other problem is this - the only thing that seems to calm him down is nursing... which gets us caught back up in the loop of waking up to nurse back to sleep, not because he's hungry...

And. He bit me yesterday. So hard, it drew blood (but I didn't know it yet). I pulled him off fast, and put him on the floor with his toys, and decided to pump the rest of the time, but when I pulled the pump off when I was finished, the milk was pink, and there was blood in the pump, and running down my stomach... sweet.
Gotta love that.
I rushed to the internet to see if blood would hurt him if he drank it, and apparently not, but it's still kind of gross...

What do you do??
I guess you do what works - that's my new M.O.
I can't listen to anyone tell me he has to cry it out, when I know that he never cries, so it's important when he does. Especially when he's screaming. And choking. And vomiting because he's crying so hard.
I will say that I'm so tired, I'm mentally ready to let him cry it out... but it's so so sad. He's hurting, or something...

I think we just need to get out of the house more, but it's so hard, when it's freaking cold out... I probably should buy him a bunting thing, and take him out with a face mask on anyway... :) at least we'd both see something other than the inside of our house...
We went shopping yesterday after he bit me, and I brought a bottle of formula with us instead (I can't seem to keep breastmilk in stock around here), and he ate it when he got hungry enough... so looks like we might be substituting some meals with that... Weaning? maybe...

Anyhoo - just had to write this out before a month passed, and I forgot about this - I'll have to give some advice to my daughter-in-law one day, I imagine, and she might appreciate this...

1 comment:

Anne said...

It sounds like he might have an ear infection, or it could possibly be teething b/c of the fact that he bit you. If my child were having those symptoms I would take her to a dr to check for an ear careful with antibiotics tho, you don't want to get thrush on your nips, trust me on that! Call me if you need anything at all:)