Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3... Month 3!

I'm in training this week (and next) - full days of work in the office... And today is the third day in...
Dax is with Melanie and Justin during the day, and I'm pumping as often as possible to make sure I can feed him when we finally make it home...
This is hard.
Not only does pumping this often hurt like hell by the end of the day (though it hurts more not to), but the nights have not been sleepful... making the days that much harder to deal with.
Dax was up, and eating, nearly every hour last night, and I think it might be that his schedule (eating every 3 hours) was a little disrupted yesterday - he kept sleeping through his scheduled feedings (totally not Melanie's fault at all - who's gonna wake up a sleeping baby?? definitely not me)...

But - today is Dax's THREE MONTH birthday!!
Happy Birthday kiddo!

So, he might be going through a little growth spurt again, too...
Who knows, right?
They always say, it's right about the time that you think you have it all figured out with your baby, that something blows up and nothing works like it did before.
So there you go.

My eyes are drooping and I'm trying to deal with the rest of the day...

1 comment:

Sara said...

That is so great that Melanie is watching Dax. Also good to have a great friend to trust your kid with.

Also I have heard that kids go through growth spurts at 3 months, 6 months, 10 months, 13 months, 18 months, 24 months...