Friday, February 13, 2009


Wow - I've been meaning to write for a while, but just haven't had a chance...
Currently, Dax is supposed to be napping - but he's calling out to me instead... I know he's not sleeping, but this is supposed to be naptime... so he'll be ok in his crib for a minute while I do this.. :)
It seems like I'm spending a lot of time TRYING to get Dax to take a nap during the day... so he's either napping, eating, or in his crib NOT napping... I wish I had a nap schedule better planned out - but everyday is a crapshoot with him and naps.

Anyway, what I really wanted to update was that Dax seems to have finally figured out that food is for swallowing (not mushing around in your mouth and spitting out) - and that food swallowed=not hungry... it's still not his favorite thing to do... but he's working on it.
Once he has a few more than three teeth, I'm sure it'll be more fun for him to tear into a chicken nugget.

He's also waving a lot now (and he's been clapping for a few weeks) - but now he's waving when he actually HEARS "hello" or "hi", or "bye" or "goodbye". Sometimes he flaps his whole hand, sometimes he crinkles his fingers toward himself... but he gets it.

Now I'm trying hard to work signs in to our everyday stuff... but it seems like when I remember to use signs, I forget what the sign is for the thing I'm talking about...
like "dinosaur"... I mean - NOW I remember what the sign is, but I have no idea when we'll see one again in the future, and if I'll actually remember it then.
I have to go save the little man from his no-nap-taking-ness now.

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