Friday, January 2, 2009


Dax is finally feeling better, but he's coughing now, which is still better than throwing up and blowing green snot out his cute little nose. :)
His fever broke on Wednesday night, and I was lying with him - I could feel it when he actually got cooler and a little sweaty at the same time. What a relief.
Also, I forgot to report his stats from the doctor's office!
He's nearly 31 inches tall, weighs 21 pounds, and has a 46 centimeter head! Holy cow - he's 75 percentile across the board!
(I was worried about his little head, but not so much any more - the last time we were there, his head only measure like 1 centimeter more than the time before... so much for that!) hehehehe

Here are some pictures/video from the day today:

This last one's for Jill - thank you for Dax's Christmas blankie - it's his new favorite (he only eats the ones he loves)! :)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh, he is so CUTE!